Tema Process
Tema Process
Tema Process

Category: Video’s

NEW: Cooled Bed Plate for the Tema Process fluid bed dryer [video]

25 June 2020|Categories: Products, Video's|Tags: , |

Heated process air is supplied to a special perforated distributor bed plate. Via the bed plate the hot air flows through the layer of solids at a velocity sufficient to support the weight of particles in a fluidized state. The heat in the air is used to evaporate moisture from the product. The drying air picks up moisture and cools down during the evaporation. This [...]

Food dryers ready for transport to China [video]

22 May 2020|Categories: Products, Video's|Tags: |

Four food dryers (total 8), ready for transport to China ??. Whenever a hygienic or sanitary design has high priority, fluid bed systems are the preferred solution in the food industry. The Fluid beds are used for drying, cooling, roasting, expanding, sterilizing and cooking. For gentle drying at lower temperatures and extended drying time, TEMA Process fluid bed dryers can use multiple temperature zones with [...]

Breadcrumbs made by toasting the bread in the Tema Fluid bed dryer [video]

15 April 2020|Categories: Products, Video's|Tags: , , |

Breadcrumbs are made either by loaves or by sheeting, slitting and baking the dough followed by cooling, grinding, and drying the baked product. A golden coloured crust contributes colour to the breadcrumb. The crust is obtained either by the conventional baking process itself or by toasting the bread in the Tema Fluid bed dryer.

Commissioning Digestate Dryer [video]

15 April 2020|Categories: Products, Video's|Tags: |

Commissioning Digestate Dryer When an anaerobic digester processes organic material, it produces a gas (biogas) plus liquid and solid digested material. Those liquids and solids are called digestate. Raw or whole digestate produced by a biogas system is physically and chemically different from the organic input material used to produce. The digestate is dried on a Tema Process fluid bed dryer. Drying is accomplished by [...]

Tema wide dust recovery hood captures airborne particles and returns it to the process [video]

1 December 2019|Categories: Products, Video's|Tags: |

Tema wide dust recovery hood captures airborne particles and returns it to the process. The Tema fluid bed dryers are equipped with a special designed wide hood that reduces the airflow velocity. As a result of this velocity drop, gravity takes over and the fluidised product will remain in the dryer. The expanded hood cuts the volume of product lost as waste and increases the [...]

Feasibility testing for drying processes [video]

14 February 2019|Categories: TEMA Process, Video's|Tags: |

Feasibility testing for drying processes offers valuable information when designing an industrial fluid bed drying system. Feasibility testing offers the opportunity to confirm the viability of your intended process, as well as to work out process variables and other unknown data points, helping to define a recipe for success, and reduce the opportunity for surprises after process scale-up. It is the best to test a [...]

Using heat of cogeneration (CHP) to dry organic fertilizer [video]

5 December 2018|Categories: News, Video's|

DRYING - Cogeneration (CHP). Cogeneration or combined heat and power (CHP) is the use of a heat engine or power station to generate electricity and useful heat at the same time. Products are more effectively dried by using the energy of extinguishing gas generated as a by-product in the process. Since the product is dried using the waste heat of a cogeneration power generator and [...]

Lemon peels dried on a TEMA fluid bed dryer: Totaí Citrus S.A [Video]

28 October 2018|Categories: News, Video's|Tags: |

Lemon peels dried on a TEMA fluid bed dryer: Totaí Citrus S.A. is Bolivia's leading citrus producer, striving for the highest global standards in quality and production. Upholding sustainable social and environmental values, Totaí Citrus S.A. aims to become a world-class supplier of fresh produce and industrial derivatives of citrus products. Totaí Citrus S.A. innovates and strive for best practices in farm management, genetics, manufacturing, [...]

Tema Process Digestate Drying [video]

30 September 2018|Categories: News, Video's|Tags: |

Digestate Dryer: AM Power is located in the western part of Flanders (Belgium), a region characterized by an excess of animal manure and yet a high market demand for formulated synthetic fertilizer. The plant is one of the largest biogas installations in Belgium: it has a treatment capacity of 180 kt/y spread over five digesters, for the production of 7.5 MW of electricity. The co-digestion [...]

Twin Sand Fluid Bed Dryers/Coolers [video]

15 August 2018|Categories: News, Video's|

New Twin Sand Fluid Bed Dryers/Coolers for a client in Belgium. The sand needs to be dried to the required moisture content before it can be sold or further processed. The moisture content in sand from stockpiles can vary from 4% to 8%. The sand drying system are typically specified to reduce output moisture content to 0.5%.


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