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Our most recent Video’s

  • Soybean processing and drying equipment

    Soybean processing and drying equipment. Soybean meal is an ideal protein supplement for all types of cattle feed. In the [...]

  • Aspartame and dextrose dryers (corn derivative) with C.I.P.

    Aspartame and dextrose dryers (corn derivative) with C.I.P. The Tema fluid bed bed dryer is used to dry, and/or cool [...]

  • Shipping dryers

    Carefully planned and efficient logistics management is essential to the success of a manufacturing/engineering company. In order to be successful [...]

  • Increasing production capacity

    Increasing production capacity ! We have completed the expansion of our production/assembly facility in Wapenveld, the Netherlands.  

    News,TEMA Process,Video's
  • Fluid bed dryers for spray drying

    Spray drying is a method of producing a dry powder from a liquid by rapidly drying with a hot gas. [...]

  • NEW: Cooled Bed Plate for the Tema Process fluid bed dryer

    Heated process air is supplied to a special perforated distributor bed plate. Via the bed plate the hot air flows [...]

  • Food dryers ready for transport to China

    Four food dryers (total 8), ready for transport to China ??. Whenever a hygienic or sanitary design has high priority, [...]

  • Breadcrumbs made by toasting the bread in the Tema Fluid bed dryer

    Breadcrumbs are made either by loaves or by sheeting, slitting and baking the dough followed by cooling, grinding, and drying [...]

  • Commissioning Digestate Dryer

    Commissioning Digestate Dryer When an anaerobic digester processes organic material, it produces a gas (biogas) plus liquid and solid digested [...]
